Mirco Melone

Mirco is a multi-faceted, multi-instrumental musician who loves to further his knowledge of the languages and forms of all music. He has collaborated as a musician and arranger in the studio with various Italian bands and songwriters, and divides his time between playing live and in the studio as well as teaching bass guitar, double bass & composing original music - such as Earth Sound System - a new funk-rock-fusion project based in the Bay Area, California.

Earth Sound System Mirco Melone
bass guitar lessons instructor teacher
Earth Sound System Mirco Melone
Earth Sound System Mirco Melone



Mirco holds advanced degrees from Italy’s Classical Music Conservatory “Bruno Maderna”. In 1997, Mirco participated in the final stages of the prestigious “Volti Nuovi per lo Spettacolo” (New Faces for Show) competition in Castrocaro Terme, Italy.

From the years 2002 to 2003 he continued his jazz studies with Michael Wilcox of the Berkeley Jazz School. After returning to Italy he studied harmony and musical theory at the Vassura Baroncini School in Imola, Bologna with professor Marco Biscarini. He continued his studies in jazz music, studying with the well-known jazz musician Ares Tavolazzi.

Between 2007 and 2013 he studied double bass at the Classical Music Conservatory “Bruno Maderna” in Cesena with Maestro Giovanni Valgimigli. He earned diplomas in theory and solfeggio, the double bass, and harmony. In 2012 he attended the “Marco Allegri” classical music summer courses in Castrocaro Terme (FC), where he had the opportunity to study with internationally renowned teachers and perform in chamber concerts with the well-known conductor Robin O'Neill.

In 2013 he continued studies in technique and jazz with Maestro Stefano Senni and has since participated in several jazz and classical music master classes with important international artists.

Currently residing in the San Francisco Bay Area, he continues teaching bass/upright bass to a variety of students. He joined the band Tempest in 2018, a Celtic/progressive rock band with over 30 years of history and 17 records. The band frequently tours around the United States and Europe, playing in clubs, theaters and prestigious festivals. He also continues to compose and arrange music, as well as play with various artists in the Bay Area.

In 2023, Micro has become a frequent collaborator and session musician in studio with Garrick Davis, and contributed to Moonbows latest release Drift.

Mirco’s newest project - Earth Sound System - is a collection of funk, rock, and progressive jams.

Earth Sound System Mirco Melone